Friday 26 July 2013

Tell Me Why- dated 16th July'13

BGS National Public School
Hulimavu, Bangalore – 560076
Date: 16thJuly 2013
Tell Me Why – Questions

Sl. No.
Name of the student
Saakhi R H
What is a falling star? Does it fulfill wishes?
Sourab Kumar
T is told that dreaming occurs starting or ending of the sleeping period. Why dreaming doesn’t occur in middle period of the sleep?
What happens when hiccup? How does it occur?
What does the small metal can in a inhaler contain?
Smriti Reddy U
We have only salty, sweet, bitter and sour taste buds, then, how do we get to know the food item is spicy?

Note: Students to answer the questions and post it with your full name, class and section.



  1. Hiccups is one of the reflex actions of our body. Hiccups can start because hot food has irritated some passage inside, or when gas in the stomach presses upwards against the diaphragm.

    The diaphragm separates the thoracic cavity (heart, lungs & ribs) from the abdominal cavity and performs an important function in respiration:

    The diaphragm tightens and pulls air into lungs. But the air can not get throughout and we feel bump or hiccup.

    Samarth Jain VII C

  2. saakhi,

    Falling star or shooting star is the common name for the visible path of a meteoroid as it enters the atmosphere to become a meteor. another answer could be it is another name for a meteoroid that burns up as it passes through the Earth’s atmosphere. So, a shooting star isn’t a star at all.

    A meteoroid becomes a meteor when it strikes the atmosphere and leaves a bright tail behind it. The bright line that we see in the sky is caused by the ram pressure of the meteoroid. It’s not actually caused by friction, as most people think.

    Wishing on falling stars is a superstitious myth. Wishes simply don't come true. Your life will be what _you_ make it; seeing a meteor has no bearing on it whatsoever.

  3. hi Smriti,
    Taste is a chemical sense perceived by specialized receptor cells that make up taste buds. Flavor is a fusion of multiple senses. To perceive flavor, the ¬brain interprets not only gustatory (taste) stimuli, but also olfactory (smell) stimuli and tactile and thermal sensations. With spicy food, the brain will even factor in pain as one aspect of flavor.
    Spicy is not actually a sense of taste. Spicy food is actually picked up by pain fibers on the tongue. There is some dispute over how many senses of taste we have, generally we refer to four (however there is argued to be a fifth) main categories - bitter, salty, sour, and sweet.
    yuvashri Bhanuprakash IX A

  4. hi Sourab,

    When we sleep, we go through five sleep stages. The first stage is a very light sleep from which it is easy to wake up. The second stage moves into a slightly deeper sleep, and stages three and four represent our deepest sleep. Our brain activity throughout these stages is gradually slowing down so that by deep sleep, we experience nothing but delta brain waves -- the slowest brain waves. About 90 minutes after we go to sleep and after the fourth sleep stage, we begin REM sleep. REM sleep is primarily characterized by movements of the eyes and is the fifth stage of sleep.

    During REM sleep, several physiological changes also take place. The heart rate and breathing quickens, the blood pressure rises, we can't regulate our body temperature as well and our brain activity increases to the same level (alpha) as when we are awake, or even higher. The rest of the body, however, is essentially paralyzed until we leave REM sleep. This paralysis is caused by the release of glycine, an amino acid, from the brain stem onto the motoneurons (neurons that conduct impulses outward from the brain or spinal cord). Because REM sleep is the sleep stage at which most dreaming takes place, this paralysis could be nature's way of making sure we don't act out our dreams. Otherwise, if you're sleeping next to someone who is dreaming about playing kickball, you might get kicked repeatedly while you sleep.

    Yuvashri Bhanuprakash IX A

    1. Good spirit in answering.Keep it up dear.
