Friday 26 July 2013

Tell Me Why- dated 12th July'13

BGS National Public School
Hulimavu, Bangalore – 560076
Date: 12thJuly 2013
Tell Me Why – Questions

Sl No
Name of the student
Akhilesh B
World stock exchange situated in New York decides all the prices for the whole world. Then, why is the stock exchange in Kolkata for?
What is the difference between air cooler and air conditioner?
How do ship float on water even though they are heavy?
How does binary digit programming work? How and why is the computer configured to understand the binary digit?
If cells can regenerate, then why does a human being die?

Note: Students to answer the questions and post it with your full Name, Class and Section.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. How do ship float on water even though they are heavy?
    It is due to density and bouancy
    Pooja umesh

    1. hi Pooja,
      An object in a fluid experiences an upward force equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object.So if a boat weighs 1,000 pounds (or kilograms), it will sink into the water until it has displaced 1,000 pounds (or kilograms) of water. Provided that the boat displaces 1,000 pounds of water before the whole thing is submerged, the boat floats.The average density of a boat -- the combination of the steel and the air -- is very light compared to the average density of water. So very little of the boat actually has to submerge into the water before it has displaced the weight of the boat.

      The next question to ask involves floating itself.It is this upward water pressure pushing on the bottom of the boat that is causing the boat to float. Each square inch (or square centimeter) of the boat that is underwater has water pressure pushing it upward, and this combined pressure floats the boat. The buoyancy principle.

  3. An air cooler simply cools the temperature of the air.

    An air conditioner not only cools the air, but also takes moisture out of the air by lowering the air to its dewpoint and condensing the water out. So it cools the air and dries the air as well.
    Yuvashri Bhanu Prakash IX A

  4. hi Abhijit,
    Let’s start with what a binary number looks like:


    “What the heck does this mean, and how do I represent this in more familiar decimal format” you ask. First, you have to know that each digit of a binary number is based on 2 to the power of x (as opposed to the decimal system that is based on the number 10). Here is a quick and easy chart you should study before continuing:

    2 to the power of 0 = 1 (2^0)
    2 to the power of 1 = 2 (2^1)
    2 to the power of 2 = 4 (2^2) or (2*2)
    2 to the power of 3 = 8 (2^3) or (2*2*2)
    2 to the power of 4 = 16 (2^4) or (etc.)
    2 to the power of 5 = 32 (2^5)
    2 to the power of 6 = 64 (2^6)
    2 to the power of 7 = 128 (2^7)
    2 to the power of 8 = 256 (2^8)

    2 to the power of x = (2^x)

    Ok, let’s apply this chart to the binary number I gave a few moments ago to get us the decimal equivalent. All digits that are 0 remain 0, and are only useful as position placeholders. All digits that are assigned a value of 1 have a decimal value that is equal to the power (2^x) of their position within the chart.

    128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
    0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0

    01001010 = 64 + 8 + 2

    which means that 01001010 = 74

    Simple isn’t it?

    Now let’s do the inverse. To convert 74 to binary, you’ll have to start by finding the biggest power of 2 that is valued less then 74. Finding this number is important because it will determine the positive value at the left of your binary number. In this case, it is 64.

    Let’s put a 1 in the 2^6 (2*2*2*2*2*2 = 64) position.


    After, take your initial decimal number, and subtract it by the value you just found out. 74 – 64 = 10. Now, let’s do the same procedure as before. What is the biggest power of 2 that is valued less then 10? It is 8.

    Put a 1 in the 2^3 position ( 2*2*2 = 8 )

    …and continue doing this until the total equals your initial decimal number.


    A computer is machine which works with a power supply.
    A power supply will be operated in only two steps, one ON and the other OFF. ON is treated as digit "1" and OFF is treated as digit "0".
    Internal of the computer is electronic chips, which are made of all electronic devices like diode, transistor, FET, Flip-Flop, etc. All these electronic devices work with power supply, it means they respond to ON and OFF status of power supply.

    So, we take only two digits 0 & 1 to indicate the status of power supply. Because of only two digits the name given for them is "Binary digits" simply we call them as "Bits". B for binary here.

    Yuvashrib Bhanu Prakash IX A

  5. hi Lakshya,

    This human dies due to cell aging. there is huge theories and discussion are going on to reverse this process. Even though cells regenerate , ratio is less as we grow older. Another thing is brain cells do not effectively regenerate, as far as we know right now. This makes it difficult for the brain to recover from injury. If the brain is starved of oxygen long enough for brain cells to die, they will not be replaced. If enough damage occurs to prevent the brain from receiving blood and oxygen, and the brain goes without oxygen long enough, brain death may result

  6. Stock Exchange -

    In NYSE stock exchange prices of stocks which are listed there are decided based on trading.

    Similarly, in Kolkatta Stock Exchange prices of local stocks (read Local Companies) are discovered by trading in those stocks.

    Samarth Jain VII C

  7. How do ship float on water even though they are heavy?

    Density of water is much more and bouncy, it is this upward water pressure pushing on the bottom of the ship that is causing the ship to float. Each square inch (or square centimeter) of the ship that is underwater has water pressure pushing it upward, and this combined pressure floats the ship. The buoyancy principle.

    Samarth Jain VII C

  8. What is the difference between

    An air cooler simply cools the temperature of the air.

    An air conditioner not only cools the air, but also takes moisture out of the air by lowering the air to its dewpoint and condensing the water out. So it cools the air and dries the air as well.

    Samarth Jain VII C

  9. Stock Exchange -

    In NYSE stock exchange prices of stocks which are listed there are decided based on trading.

    Similarly, in Kolkatta Stock Exchange prices of local stocks (read Local Companies) are discovered by trading in those stocks.

    Samarth Jain VII C
