Friday 26 July 2013

Tell Me Why- Dated 11th July'13

BGS National Public School
Hulimavu, Bangalore – 560076
Date: 11thJuly 2013
Tell Me Why – Questions

Sl No
Name of the student
V Rajashree
When we sneeze we can’t open our eyes and sneeze, what is the reason for it?
Sanjana P
What is plastic made up of?
We all know that all human beings have different DNA and each DNA is unique. Do twins/ triplets have different types of DNA even though they are formed at same time?
V P Shravan
We grow because cell division and the cell division take place regularly. Then, how come we stop growing at the age of 18?
Why is it said that if we develop power at the age of 14 or 15 years, the power increases along with the growth of eye?  
When someone takes a tablet, there are many side effects. They may feel sleepy or start shivering or there may even get rashes. Why and how does this happen?
Dolphin’s always sleep with one eye open, why?

Note: Students to answer the questions and post it with your full name, class and section.



  1. Organic plastics are polymers, composed of monomers (repeating units). A polymer is a chain of molecules repeated again and again
    these monomers will become plastic by addition polymerisation and the monomers are held by weak intramolecular forces and the forces may align themselves in a linear chain or a simple branched chain

    1. Appreciate your interest in answering the questions.

  2. Dolphins and whales let one half of their brain sleep at a time. This allows them to keep one eye open to watch for danger. They also can still surface to get air, which they couldn't do if they were all the way asleep.
    Pooja umesh
    9 A

  3. Q.When we sneeze we can’t open our eyes and sneeze, what is the reason for it?
    A.It is unclear, but scientists thave said that we close our eyes to protect them. We may be protecting our eyes from microorganisms and particles from our sneezes

  4. When we sneeze we can’t open our eyes and sneeze, what is the reason for it?

    it's a reflex. The nose and eyes are linked by cranial nerves, so the stimulation from the sneeze travels up one nerve to the brain, then down another nerve to the eyelids, triggering a blink for most people

    Samarth Jain VII C

  5. Plastic is made of -

    All plastics are groups of hydrocarbon molecules. Each of these molecules is very large with tens of thousands of carbon atoms and hydrogen atoms in it.

    Samarth Jain VII C

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. hi srestha,

    Identical twins are assumed to be exactly alike. They look alike, act alike and sometimes even dress alike. Identical -- or monozygotic -- twins form from a single fertilized egg that splits into two. usually within the first twelve days of Mom's pregnancy. After twelve days, the egg may not split entirely and result in conjoined twins.Identical twins share the same DNA - but do not have identical DNA. When the egg splits into two halves to form identical twins, the DNA may not divide equally between the two cells. The basic concept is similar to when you cut an apple in half, the two halves may not look the same.
    Mitochondrial is DNA passed on to the child by Mom. A fertilized egg will have Mom's mitochondrial DNA, half of Mom's nuclear DNA, and half of Dad's nuclear DNA. When the fertilized egg splits into two, the twins will each have identical nuclear DNA, but not EXACTLY identical mitochondrial DNA. Physical differences in identical twins are contributed, in part, to how much and how similar the mitochondrial DNA each twin inherited from Mom expresses itself.
    Experienced ultrasound techs are very good at giving a best guess during appointments as to whether twins are identical or fraternal. Testing can also been done on the placenta after the babies are born to determine if twins are fraternal or identical. However, since identical twins can look different, and fraternal twins can look very much alike, in some cases the only way to truly determine if twins are identical or fraternal is by DNA testing.

    Yuvashri Bhanuprakash

  8. hi Shravan

    Once we are born, we continue to grow and develop until the completion of puberty. At this point our genetic program tells us to stop growing.

    From an evolutionary viewpoint, once our genes have orchestrated the growth and development of the body to the point that it can reproduce, the purpose for growth is complete.
    The complex interplay of genes, nutrients and hormones cause bone cells to proliferate at the growth plate of long bones. This interplay is also responsible for the cessation of linear growth and the correlating inability of these cells to further multiply and lengthen bone. The key hormones in this process are: growth hormone, thyroxin, androgens and estrogen. They are secreted by the pituitary, thyroid and reproductive glands respectively.

    At the completion of puberty, the reproductive glands in both males and females increase the production of the hormone estrogen. It is the high concentration of estrogen in the blood that causes the growth plates of our bones to fuse. This fusion effectively closes the growth centers of long bones and renders them unable to respond to the hormones that initiate growth.

    I hope this explains why we stop growing after certain age.

    Yuvashri Bhanuprakash IX A

  9. hi Saisree,

    First you need to understand the word called Accommodation (eye.Accommodation (Acc) is the process by which the vertebrate eye changes optical power to maintain a clear image (focus) on an object as its distance varies. The young human eye can change focus from distance (infinity) to 7 cm from the eye in 350 milliseconds. This dramatic change in focal power of the eye of approximately 13 diopters (diopter is the reciprocal of focal length in meters) occurs as a consequence of a reduction in zonular tension induced by ciliary muscle contraction. The amplitude of accommodation declines with age.The age-related decline in accommodation occurs almost universally to less than 2 dioptres by the time a person reaches 45 to 50 years, by which time most of the population will have noticed a decrease in their ability to focus on close objects and hence require glasses for reading or bifocal lenses. Accommodation decreases to essentially 0 dioptres at the age of 70 years.

    Yuvashri BhanuPrakash IX A

  10. Sleeping dolphins can be seen as resting, floating at the surface, with one eye open. After a time, they will close the one eye and open the other one. They alternate like this throughout their entire nap.

    Samarth Jain VII C

  11. Medicine Reaction

    Medicine or drug reaction happens when immune system acts abnormally to a medication.

    Samarth Jain VII C
